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Paper information

Flexible network access, local flexibility market mechanisms, and cost-reflective tariffs: three regulatory tools to foster decarbonized electricity networks

T. Gómez, R. Cossent, J.P. Chaves

Oxford Energy Forum Nº. 124, pp. 18 - 23

Published on paper: September 2020.

T. Gómez, R. Cossent, J.P. Chaves, Flexible network access, local flexibility market mechanisms, and cost-reflective tariffs: three regulatory tools to foster decarbonized electricity networks. Oxford Energy Forum. Nº. 124, pp. 18 - 23, September 2020.

    Research topics:
  • Smart grids
  • Green energy integration
  • Planning and operation of DER
  • Regulation of energy network infrastructures: Transport and distribution
  • Network regulation and tariff design with large shares of DER : Network regulation and tariff design with large shares of DER
  • Innovative business models in the power sector